Welcome To HomeOffice
A free online community for home workers
Since Covid-19, the Coronavirus pandemic, many people are finding themselves working at home for the first time. Home Office is designed to be a free online resource for those who are making or have already made that transition.
Bruce W. Coffman

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#TrumpSmells like a Nazi dictator. #BruceCoffman
Studies have shown that people who work from home actually put in substantially more hours than their in-office counterparts. Here are a couple of tips to help you keep from overdoing it while working from home.
Have a routine. Set a specific start and stop time for your workday and stick to it. If you try to keep it close to what you did when you reported to your workplace, it might be easier to get used to. Imagine yourself clocking in and clocking out and when you're done, mentally leave work.
Have a specific place only for work. If you have a designated home office space, even if it's just a small corner of a room you use for other things, you'll be more likely to leave work behind when you're not in that space.